Next: 5.1 Introduction
Up: Kenji Kojima's Ph.D. Thesis
Previous: 4.4 Summary
This chapter contains our
SR and susceptibility measurements for the
Haldane material, Y2BaNiO5. First, in the nominally pure system, the absence of
magnetic order was confirmed with the ZF/LF-
SR measurements down to
100 mK. Second, the effects of charge doping
Ca2+) and vacancy doping
Mg2+) were investigated. The charge doped system
exhibited a spin-glass like behavior in the susceptibility, while our
SR measurements revealed unconventional spin dynamics in the
milli-Kelvin regime. In the vacancy doped systems, the non-magnetic
ground state survives.
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Haldane's prediction
5.1.2 The Valence-Bond-Solid Hamiltonian
5.1.3 Physical Hamiltonians
5.1.4 Experimental evidence for Haldane's conjecture
High-field magnetization [#!KatsumataPRL89!#,#!AjiroPRL89!#]
Neutron scattering measurements
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
Electron spin resonance (ESR)
Muon spin relaxation (
SR) [#!SternliebJMMM92!#,#!UemuraHI94!#]
5.2 Haldane material Y2BaNiO5
5.3 Summary