Next: Electron spin resonance (ESR)
Up: 5.1 Introduction
Previous: Neutron scattering measurements [#!RenardEPL87!#,#!RenardJAP88!#,#!MaPRB92!#,#!RegnaultPRB94!#,#!MaPRB95!#]
The temperature dependence of the proton T1 relaxation rate was also
well described by excitations over an energy gap, as
[85,86,87]. Fujiwara et al. [87] reported that the field dependence of the gap
) agreed well with that of the gap observed in the neutron scattering measurements
[82]. Below 4 K, the T1 relaxation rate took a maximum
at around the critical field
T). This is because the external field brought the first
excited state to the zero-energy, maximizing the spectral
density responsible for the T1 relaxation of the proton nuclear spins
[87]. In magnetic fields below
T, the
field suppressed the T1 relaxation rate. In this regime, it has
been found that Zn doping to NENP enhances the T1 relaxation rate,
suggesting a contribution of doping induced unpaired spins [88].