Next: Neutron scattering measurements [#!RenardEPL87!#,#!RenardJAP88!#,#!MaPRB92!#,#!RegnaultPRB94!#,#!MaPRB95!#]
Up: 5.1 Introduction
Previous: Susceptibility [#!RenardEPL87!#,#!RenardJAP88!#,#!GadetPRB91!#,#!AvenelPRB92!#]
The magnetization of NENP at 1.3 K was small and almost field
independent up to a critical field
T, and above Hc,
linearly increased. This phenomenon was attributed to the crossover in
the field between the singlet ground state and one of the triplet
excited states. The Haldane gap (
K) and the
single ion anisotropy (
K) were obtained from the
critical field and its crystalline axis dependence.