![]() |
Taking into account the slow paramagnetic relaxation caused during the
fast fluctuation time, the muon spin relaxation due to this unconventional
field fluctuations may be expressed as [106]:
![]() |
Using the same hypothetical relaxation function
(eq.44), we have analyzed the spectra from other
Ca-doped systems (x=4.5, 14.9 and 30.5%). The fraction parameter
(f) and the instantaneous Gaussian width () are shown in
Fig.46. It was found that the Gaussian width
) is almost independent of the Ca concentrations (x), while
the fraction parameter (f) reflects the concentrations: a smaller Ca
concentration results in a smaller fraction parameter (f),
indicating more unconventional fluctuations (note that regular
Markoffian spin fluctuations are described with f=1). The indifference
of the Gaussian width (
) to the charge concentrations suggests
that the muon spin relaxation mechanism is common to all the
charge doped systems, but how frequently the relaxation is caused
) is determined by the charge concentration.
![]() |
One possible description of the relaxation mechanism is that the doped hole, which takes a localized state with hopping [103], occasionally comes close to the muon site and induces muon spin relaxation. When the charge is far away, the muon relaxation should be small and dynamic, because the majority of the spins on the chain may stay in the non-magnetic ground state.
Phenomenologically, the magnetic behavior of the charge doped Haldane
material (Y2-xCax)BaNiO5 is very similar to that of the Kagomé-lattice
compound (SrCrzGa12-zO19), a geometrically frustrated
antiferromagnet of Cr moments (S=3/2). The susceptibility measurements
of the Kagomé-lattice system
[107,108,109] have revealed the
existence of a small portion of unpaired spins (% of the
total Cr ions for the z=8 sample), which exhibit a spin-glass-like
history dependence below
The unpaired moments observed in the susceptibilities are
probably caused by Ga substitutions to the Cr sites, which are
inevitable in this series of Kagomé compounds [109]. The
SR spectrum of the z=8 Kagomé material approaches a
Gaussian shape as
[106], while
SR measurements at 100 mK suggest fast field fluctuations
[95,106,110]. Neutron scattering
measurements of the z=7.1 Kagomé compound [111] have
also suggested persistent dynamics below the cusp temperature; a
large fraction (
) of the scattering intensity was found to
remain in the inelastic channel at
Theoretically, the S=1/2 Kagomé-lattice system may have a ground
state composed of many singlet pairs [112], as
expressed by the resonating valence bond (RVB) state. In this
situation, the unpaired spins created by non-magnetic ion doping still
have the ability to migrate spatially, because the surrounding
spins have a large number of combinations for their singlet pairings.
In the charge doped Haldane system, the doped charge may also move,
with the surrounding spins in the singlet state. Considering
these similarities, the persistent dynamics below the spin-glass like
cusp temperature, as well as the hardly decoupled Gaussian relaxation
of SR spectra may be common signatures
for migrating unpaired spins in singlet ground state materials.