Next: 5.1.3 Physical Hamiltonians
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In 1987, I. Affleck, T. Kennedy, E. H. Lieb and H. Tasaki proposed
a Hamiltonian for S=1 spins [24]:
which is the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model modified by
a biquadratic second term. The authors of Ref. [24,25]
rigorously obtained the ground state, which has an exponentially-decaying
correlation function and a finite energy gap to the excited states.
The exact ground state, which is known as `Valence Bond Solid
state', is constructed as follows:
- (1)
- decompose the S=1 spins at each site into two S=1/2 spins
- (2)
- make singlet bonds between adjacent S=1/2 spins
- (3)
- symmetrize the two S=1/2's on each site to restore the
S=1 degrees of freedom (Fig.35c).
The VBS ground state is non-magnetic singlet in nature, as it is built
from many singlet pairs. From numerical calculations of the VBS Hamiltonian
(eq.41) with arbitrary magnitudes of the biquadratic term
), it has been shown that the non-magnetic
ground state of the pure Heisenberg model (
) belongs to the
same category as the VBS ground state [63,64].
Another characteristic of the VBS state appears when a spin site is
substituted with a foreign ion (Fig.35d). The
foreign ion breaks two singlet pairs, and introduces two S=1/2
paramagnetic spins. The S=1/2 degrees of freedom have actually been
observed in electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements of a Haldane
material NENP (see section 5.1.4).
Figure 35:
(a) S=1 antiferromagnetic spin chain. Each S=1 spin is decomposed into
two S=1/2 spins.
(b) Singlet pairing of the adjacent S=1/2 spins.
(c) The Valence Bond Solid (VBS) state. The two S=1/2 spins on each lattice point
are symmetrized to restore S=1.
(d) The VBS state doped with a foreign ion.
Next: 5.1.3 Physical Hamiltonians
Up: 5.1 Introduction
Previous: 5.1.1 Haldane's prediction