Next: 5.2.3 Discussion
Up: 4.3 SR measurements
Previous: Zero-field measurements
In Fig.30, we show
SR spectra from
longitudinal field (LF) decoupling measurements, which investigate
fluctuations of the internal fields (see section 3.4).
The spectra in longitudinal fields clearly demonstrate the static nature
of the muon relaxation, being consistent with the observation of the
`1/3-component' and the `dip' in the zero-field measurements. The
recoveries of the muon spin polarization in LF's are well described by
the static Gaussian Kubo-Toyabe theory (solid lines in Fig.
30), which seems to imply a random freezing
of moments, rather than true Néel order. However, as a local
probe, the
SR results can not exclude the possibility of long range
spin correlations. When there is a distribution of
,the muon spin precession is sometimes smeared out because of the
distribution in the local fields (See the discussion in Chapter
6 for an example.) Therefore, we just propose
an existence of a static order at
K in the 3-leg ladder system.
Figure 30:
Longitudinal field (LF) decoupling measurements of the 3-leg ladder
system at 50 mK. The solid lines are the fit with static Kubo-Toyabe
functions (eq.19).
Next: 5.2.3 Discussion
Up: 4.3 SR measurements
Previous: Zero-field measurements