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RC Transients

When a voltage tex2html_wrap_inline375 is applied to a series R-C circuit, the charge q across C rises asymptotically to tex2html_wrap_inline381 and the current i decays from its initial value towards zero. The rise of q and the fall of i both involve the same exponential function of time.


The value tex2html_wrap_inline389 is called the ``time constant'' of the circuit.

Connect the square wave generator, which alternatively places a fixed voltage and a short circuit across a series RC circuit for equal time intervals, as shown in Fig. 9.4. The rise and decay of i can then be observed by using the oscilloscope to measure the voltage across R as a function of time. [The oscilloscope measures V(t); therefore i(t)=V(t)/R.] Be sure to connect your circuit so that the square wave generator and the oscillator share a common ground.


Figure 9.4: - Square wave generator to measure RC time constant.

Adjust the period of the square wave generator to allow several time constants between consecutive ``switching'' and adjust the sweep time of the oscilloscope to observe the rise and decay of the current.

Measure tex2html_wrap_inline389 by determining the time it takes the current to fall to 1/e of its initial value.

The variation of the charge on the capacitor may be observed by using the oscilloscope to measure the voltage tex2html_wrap_inline361 across C:


Reconnect your circuit, again making sure that the square wave generator and the oscilloscope share a common ground.

Figure 9.5: - Measuring tex2html_wrap_inline361 .

  1. Sketch graphs of q(t) and i(t), using a common time (horizontal) axis.
  2. Compare your measured tex2html_wrap_inline417 with the expected values from the given values of R and C.
  3. What is the shortest value of tex2html_wrap_inline417 you could conveniently measure with this technique? Explain briefly.

The value of tex2html_wrap_inline417 will depend on the internal resistance of the square wave generator as well as the external resistor used: tex2html_wrap_inline427 . The internal resistance tex2html_wrap_inline429 can be measured in the following way:

  1. Connect the oscilloscope directly across the generator and measure the voltage tex2html_wrap_inline431 .
  2. Connect the oscilloscope across the generator when it is connected in parallel with a resistor r and measure the voltage tex2html_wrap_inline435 .
  3. Adjust r until tex2html_wrap_inline439 . Then, tex2html_wrap_inline441 . Explain why this is true.

Next: AC Circuits Up: The Oscilloscope Previous: Use of Oscilloscope