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Use of Oscilloscope

  1. Familiarize yourself with the operation of the oscilloscope by trying each of the controls. Apply a DC input voltage from the power supply. Then substitute an AC input voltage from the signal generator. Observe the effect of different sweep rates as well as the effect of applying a voltage to the horizontal input.
  2. Use the signal generator to put sine waves and square waves of various frequencies on the vertical plates. Vary the amplitude of the input voltage and measure:

    1. The wave amplitude in volts: when the variable voltage sensitivity knob (10) is turned completely clockwise and the vertical sensitivity magnifier (11-B) is pushed in, the numbers on the vertical sensitivity VOLTS/DIV (15) control give the volts/division of the vertical grid. Using these, one can convert the centimeters (divisions) that one measures vertically on the screen into volts.
    2. The wave period in seconds: when the variable sweep time knob (22) is turned completely clockwise and the sweep time magnifier (24-B) is pushed in, the numbers on the sweep time TIME/DIV (23) control give the time for the beam to sweep horizontally one division. Knowing this one can convert the centimeters (divisions) that are measured horizontally into seconds.