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Up: Measuring the penetration depth with TF-SR
Previous: Measuring the penetration depth with TF-SR
The vortex lattice in a type-II superconductor results in a spatially
varying magnetic field
inside the superconductor. Transverse
-field muon spin rotation (TF-SR) can be utilized to investigate
the local magnetic field distribution function [72,77]:
(1) |
The function n(B) denotes the field density. Specifically it is the
probability that the magnitude of the
magnetic field at a point
inside the
superconductor is B. Eq. (3.1) defines n(B) as the
spatial average of a one-dimensional Dirac delta function. By definition
(2) |
The field distribution pertaining to a perfect vortex lattice free of
distortions resembles that of Fig. 3.1.
The magnetic lineshape exhibits
van Hove singularities corresponding to:
A: the minimum value of
which occurs at the center of the
vortex lattice.
B: the saddle point value of
which occurs midway between
two vortices.
C: the maximum value of
which occurs at the vortex cores.
Figure 3.1:
(a) A single unit cell in the
vortex lattice. The dotted lines represent contours of the local field
around a vortex core. The local field is
perpendicular to the page. (b) The corresponding field distribution.
The average local magnetic field
strength inside the superconductor is denoted
The spatial average of B is just the first moment of
n(B) [73]:
(3) |
where H is the magnitude of the
externally applied field, N is the demagnetization
factor (
and M is the magnetization of the sample.
The demagnetization factor N depends on the shape of the sample.
The second moment of n(B)
determines the width of the field distribution
and is given by:
(4) |
If the applied field
then the London model is valid. At
such fields the spacing L between adjacent vortices is large compared
to the coherence length. In the
London theory, the local magnetic field
in an isotropic superconductor is given as [68]:
(5) |
where the sum extends over the reciprocal lattice vectors
the vortex lattice. Combining (3.4) and
(3.5), the second moment of n(B) for a triangular
flux lattice as determined in the London picture is [32,68]:
(6) |
It is clear from Eq. (3.6) that one can estimate the
penetration depth
from the second moment
so that
is inherently related to the line width
of the measured field distribution. Eq. (3.6) is valid
at intermediate fields
where the second
and hence
is independent
of the applied field [34,74]. At such fields the inter-vortex
[66]. Rammer argues that in the case
Eq. (3.6) is useful
only for fields significantly smaller than 50kG (i.e. 5.0T),
and above this significant
deviations from the London model result rammer. For low fields
and the vortices are well
separated, the second moment as determined in the London limit is related
to the average local field
approximately by [74]:
(7) |
This result was derived for a triangular flux-line lattice.
According to Eq. (3.7), increasing the applied field in
this region leads to a corresponding increase in the second moment. This
statement of course assumes that the penetration depth
is a field
independent quantity.
At high fields the second moment decreases with increasing applied field Has the vortex cores start to overlap. The second moment at such fields can
be estimated by using Abrikosov's numerical solution of the GL-equations
(8) |
with the lower limit given by [34]
and the upper limit given by [74]. London theory is not valid
in this high-field regime, where the inter-vortex spacing of the lattice is
comparable to
and the vortex cores
start to overlap [75].
In London theory, where
is assumed to be zero,
the local magnetic field in the center of a vortex is
not finite. To get around this divergence, Brandt [34,72]
approximates the vortex core by a gaussian function of width ,
which provides a dome-shaped peak for the field. An
additional term (1-b) can be incorporated to roughly account for the
field dependence of the superconducting order parameter [76].
As in Eq. (3.8) this term is significant for applied
fields close to the upper critical field Hc2, leading to a
noticeable reduction in the width of the magnetic lineshape. Including
this effect, the vortex core can be approximated by a gaussian function
of width
Thus, according to Brandt
one can modify Eq. (3.5) so that the local magnetic field
of an isotropic superconductor for applied fields
H < Hc2/4 is
(9) |
The second exponential in Eq. (3.9) introduces an upper
cutoff for the reciprocal lattice vectors at
[77]. This value emerged from Brandt's numerical solution
of the GL-equations [34,72]. The upper cutoff for leads to a finite value of the local field B at
the vortex core. Fig. 3.2
illustrates the field distribution
as determined
by Eq. (3.9) for the average internal magnetic fields
=5kG and 15kG. As the field is increased, the distance
between vortex cores decreases. Also the difference between the
maximum and minimum field in the distribution decreases with increasing
applied field. Fig. 3.3 shows the effects on the field
distribution of increasing the magnetic penetration depth ,
while Fig. 3.4 illustrates the dependence on the
GL-parameter .
The variation of the supercurrent density
from the vortex centre can be determined by
substitution of Eq. (3.9) into Eq. (2.3).
Fig. 3.5 illustrates the dependence of the absolute value
of the supercurrent density distribution on magnetic field.
The supercurrent density is zero at the centre of a vortex core, corresponding
to the maximum in the field distribution; Js rises steeply to its
maximum value at the edge of the vortex core and then falls off
exponentially. The singularity observed halfway between two vortices
denotes a change in the flow direction of the supercurrents.
Fig. 3.8 shows the dependence of the average value of the
supercurrent density
on the average field
As the applied field (
is increased above the lower
critical field, the average supercurrent density rises steeply. This is
because the supercurrents which screen the vortex cores have less
room to spread out at higher fields when the cores are closer together.
However, as shown in Fig. 3.8, the relationship is not
linear. This is due to the overlapping of vortices, which tends
to reduce
As the field is increased, the inter-vortex separation decreases.
Eventually the overlapping of vortices
dominates the contribution to the average supercurrent density and the
curve turns over, so that
decreases with further increase
in the applied magnetic field. Interestingly, the turnover in
Fig. 3.8 occurs around 50kG; the maximum field at which Rammer
claims Eq. (3.6) is valid [32].
The dependence of the supercurrent
distribution on
can be seen in Fig. 3.6
and Fig. 3.7, respectively.
As mentioned in the previous chapter, the orientation of the applied field
with respect to the crystallographic axes
of the superconductor is important. For an applied field
parallel to the c-axis, the second moment of n(B) valid at intermediate
fields can be written as [66]
(10) |
and for an applied field parallel to the ab-plane,
(11) |
In the latter case, the supercurrents flow across the ab-plane and along
the c-axis.
In fact, for the uniaxial anisotropic high-Tc superconductors,
there exists a nonzero component of magnetic field transverse to the
vortex axes, when the applied field is not directed along one of the
principal axes in the ab-plane or along the c-axis [78].
As the angle between the applied field and the crystallographic c-axis
is increased, the vortex lattice distorts. The circular cross-section of
an isolated vortex line associated with an applied field directed parallel
to the c-axis (see Fig. 3.1) is replaced by an elliptical
cross-section as shown in Fig. 3.9. This is a result of the
anisotropy of the supercurrents. Correspondingly, the equilateral-triangular
vortex lattice is stretched into an isosceles one.
Figure 3.9:
The vortex lattice
associated with an applied field nonparallel to the crystallographic
c-axis. The applied field is perpendicular to the page and the
dashed lines are contours of the local magnetic field around the vortex
cores; 1 and 2 indicate the two different saddle points in such an
The peak in the measured
SR field distribution n(B) will be split because now there are two
types of saddle points. However, because the vortices themselves are
stretched, the saddle points are comparable; so that experimentally, a
broadening of the peak in n(B) may be observed, rather than a splitting.
The width of the field distribution n(B), as evidenced by
Eqs. (3.10) and (3.11), is of course influenced
by the anisotropic distortions of the vortex lattice.
However it is clear from Eq. (3.10),
that by orientating the sample with its crystallographic c-axis parallel
to the applied field, the problem becomes isotropic in nature. Of course
this is only true if one is ignoring the
smaller -
Next: The Role of the Positive Muon
Up: Measuring the penetration depth with TF-SR
Previous: Measuring the penetration depth with TF-SR
Jess H. Brewer