Next: 7 Concluding remarks
Up: 6 Spin-Peierls system
Previous: Doping dependence of the
We have presented with
SR that the Zn/Si-doped CuGeO3 exhibits
static order. In the Si-doped Cu(Ge1-ySiy)O3 crystal (y=2%), Néel order was clearly observed with spontaneous muon spin precession. The
critical exponent (
) of the order parameter was found to be the
same with the previously-reported value for a Zn-doped crystal, suggesting a
universal ordering mechanism between the Si and Zn doping.
In the
SR measurements of the Zn-doped polycrystalline pellets,
Néel order was not clear, probably due to a
macroscopic sample inhomogeneity. From the static muon spin
relaxation rate, the size of the ordered moments were proposed to mimic
the Zn concentration dependence of the Néel temperatures.