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In this material, the neighboring ladders are displaced by half the
lattice constant, leading to a small inter-ladder interaction.
Since the 90 Cu-O-Cu bonds mediate the inter-ladder
interaction, the interaction may be ferromagnetic (-J'; see
Fig.26b). The magnitude of the
inter-ladder interaction has been theoretically estimated as
[19,21]. The
inter-ladder interaction brings about a geometrical frustration of the
spins at the edge of the ladders, because of the triangular structure
constituent of two ferromagnetic interactions (-J') and one
antiferromagnetic interaction (J) [19,21].
Previous investigations of Srn-1Cun+1O2n have measured magnetic susceptibility (Fig.27; [51]) and 63Cu-NMR (Fig.28; [52]). In the 2-leg ladder system (n=3), the temperature dependence of the susceptibility and the T1 relaxation rate are well described by thermal excitations over a gap, which may correspond to the spin gap between the non-magnetic ground state and magnetic excited states. The magnitude of the gap has been reported as 420 K (susceptibility: [51]) and 680 K (63Cu-NMR: [52]).
The 3-leg ladder system (n=5), in contrast, has a finite
susceptibility in the T0 limit, demonstrating that the
ground state of this system can respond to the external magnetic
field. Therefore, the ground state may exhibit magnetic order. In
the 3-leg ladder system, the T1 relaxation rate of 63Cu
nuclear moments was so large that it was hardly measurable with the
conventional NMR technique. This result implies the existence of strong magnetic
correlations in the 3-leg system [52].
As introduced in Chapter 2, continuous-beam muon spin relaxation (SR) is
a NMR-like local magnetic probe, but with a higher timing
resolution (
1 ns) than typical NMR methods (
SR is an adequate probe to study the 3-leg
ladder system, in which the NMR relaxation rate was beyond its time
resolution. Another advantage of
SR is its high sensitivity to
small and/or dilute static moments. Using
SR one can best investigate
the expected absence of static order in the 2-leg ladder system.
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For our SR measurements, polycrystalline specimens of the spin
ladder cuprates (Srn-1Cun+1O2n; n=3, 5) were prepared
at the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, using a
cubic anvil-type high pressure apparatus [53]. Powder
X-ray analysis of our samples showed the stoichiometric ladder
structure, except for small amounts (
10 Cu at.% ) of a CuO
impurity phase [51]. Since CuO is an antiferromagnet
230 K [54]), the impurity phase
should not affect the muons which did not land within an
impurity cluster. Therefore, in our
SR measurements
90% of
the signal amplitude comes from the pure ladder structure.