In a rectangular box of width
and height
the modes which have
nodes at all boundaries are products of sinusoidal functions of the form
, where
Now the situation is a little more complicated, since
is a vector.
In fact, we call it the wavevector
instead of the wave number;
the wave number
is then given by
Why do we bother with the magnitude k
instead of sticking to the intrinsically multidimensional vector
Well, when we do kinematics we are often
concerned with the kinetic energy, which is a scalar
quantity depending only upon the magnitude of the momentum p
(and upon the effective mass, if any) of the particle in question.
Since we have discovered that photons (for example) are
in some sense particles which have energy
and momentum
we can conclude that
(for massless particles only)
and so, if all we really care about is the energy
of a given mode, the only thing we need to know is its
wave number, k .
But we still need to count up how many modes have (approximately) the same wavenumber k . This is where we have to return to the two-dimensional picture and begin talking in terms of k-space.
There is one allowed
for every
and one allowed
for every
, so there
is altogether
for every ``k-area'' element
in two-dimensional k-space.
(Yes, this is getting a little weird. Pay close attention!)
Note that
is the
actual physical area of the box in normal space.
This element of k-space contains exactly
allowed state,
so once again we may define the density of states in k-space,
or, for this two-dimensional (2D) case,
Note that the density of states in k-space is proportional to
the physical area of the region to which the waves are confined.
How many such states have (approximately) the same wavenumber k?
This is a crucial question in many problems.
To estimate the result we draw a ring in k-space
with radius k and width dk.
Recalling that only positive
values of and
are allowed
(standing waves and all that),
we only consider the upper right-hand quadrant of the circular ring;
its ``k-area'' is thus
At a density of
states per unit k-area, this gives
states in that ring quadrant.
We can express this as a density of wavenumber magnitudes
in terms of the distribution function
which is defined as the number of allowed modes whose wavenumbers
are within dk of a given k.
Note that the number increases linearly with k,
unlike in the 1D case where it is independent of k.