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Normal Distribution

According to statistical theory, a measured probability distribution such as Fig. 1.1 can be approximated by a ``normal distribution function'':


where tex2html_wrap_inline299 is the number of measurements between x and tex2html_wrap_inline303 , N is the total number of measurements, tex2html_wrap_inline307 is the mean and tex2html_wrap_inline267 is the standard deviation. The normal distribution function is plotted in Fig. 1.2.


Figure 1.2: Normal distribution function -- 68% of the area under the curve lies within tex2html_wrap_inline255 of the mean and only 5% lies more than tex2html_wrap_inline257 away from the mean.

Note again that there are long tails, indicating that a small fraction of the measurements will be much more than tex2html_wrap_inline267 away from the mean value. For the normal distribution, 5 % of the measurements will be more than tex2html_wrap_inline257 away from tex2html_wrap_inline307 while 68 % are within tex2html_wrap_inline255 of tex2html_wrap_inline307 . This well-known distribution is also sometimes called the ``Gaussian'' distribution, or the ``Bell-curve."