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Speed of Propagation

Neither of the images in Fig. 14.1 captures the most important qualitative feature of the wave: namely, that it propagates -- i.e. moves steadily along in the direction of $\Vec{k}$. If we were to let the snapshot in Fig. 14.1b become a movie, so that the time dependence could be seen vividly, what we would see would be the same wave pattern sliding along the graph to the right at a steady rate. What rate? Well, the answer is most easily given in simple qualitative terms:

The wave has a distance $\lambda$ (one wavelength) between ``crests.'' Every period T, one full wavelength passes a fixed position. Therefore a given crest travels a distance $\lambda$ in a time T so the velocity of propagation of the wave is just

 \begin{displaymath}c \; = \; {\lambda \over T}
\qquad \hbox{\rm or} \qquad
c \; = \; {\omega \over k}
\end{displaymath} (14.6)

where I have used c as the symbol for the propagation velocity even though this is a completely general relationship between the frequency $\omega$, the wave vector magnitude k and the propagation velocity c of any sort of wave, not just electromagnetic waves (for which c has its most familiar meaning, namely the speed of light).

This result can be obtained more easily by noting that A is a function only of the phase $\theta$ of the oscillation,

 \begin{displaymath}\theta \; \equiv \; k x - \omega t
\end{displaymath} (14.7)

and that the criterion for ``seeing the same waveform'' is  $\theta = $ constant  or   $d\theta = 0$. If we take the differential of Eq. (7) and set it equal to zero, we get

\begin{displaymath}d\theta \; = \; k \, dx \, - \, \omega \, dt \; = \; 0
\quad \mbox{\rm or} \quad
k \, dx \; = \; \omega \, dt

\begin{displaymath}\mbox{\rm or} \quad
{dx \over dt} = {\omega \over k} .

But  dx/dt = c,  the propagation velocity of the waveform. Thus we reproduce Eq. (6). This treatment also shows why we chose   ${\displaystyle e^{-i \omega t}}$  for the time dependence so that Eq. (7) would describe the phase: if we used   ${\displaystyle e^{+i \omega t}}$  then the phase would be   $\theta \; \equiv \; k x + \omega t$  which gives   dx/dt = -c,  - i.e. a waveform propagating in the negative x direction (to the left as drawn).

If we use the relationship (6) to write   $(kx - \omega t) = k(x - ct)$,  so that Eq. (4) becomes

\begin{displaymath}A(x,t) \; = \; A_0 \; e^{ik(x - ct)} ,

we can extend the above argument to waveforms that are not of the ideal sinusoidal shape shown in Fig. 14.1; in fact it is more vivid if one imagines some special shape like (for instance) a pulse propagating down a string at velocity c. As long as A(x,t) is a function only of   x' = x - ct, no matter what its shape, it will be static in time when viewed by an observer traveling along with the wave14.5 at velocity c. This doesn't require any elaborate derivation;  x'  is just the position measured in such an observer's reference frame!

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Jess H. Brewer