In defining the concept of temperature,
we have examined the behaviour of systems in thermal contact
(i.e. able to exchange energy back and forth)
when the total energy U is fixed.
In the real world, however, it is not often that we know
the total energy of an arbitrary system;
there is no ``energometer'' that we can stick into a system
and read off its energy!
What we often do know
about a system it its temperature.
To find this out, all we have to do is
stick a calibrated thermometer into the system
and wait until equilibrium is established
between the thermometer and the system.
Then we read its temperature off the thermometer.
So what can we say about a small system15.23
(like a single molecule)
in thermal equilibrium with a large system
(which we usually call a ``heat reservoir''
at temperature
Well, the small system can be in any one
of a large number of fully-specified states.
It is convenient to be invent an abstract label
for a given fully-specified state so that we can
talk about its properties and probability.
Let's call such a state
is a ``full label'' - i.e.
includes all the information there is
about the state of
It is like a complete
list of which car is parked in which space,
or exactly which coins came up heads or tails
in which order, or whatever. For something simple
like a single particle's spin,
may only
specify whether the spin is up or down.
Now consider some particular fully-specified state
whose energy is
As long as
is very big
is very small,
can - and sometimes will -
absorb from
the energy
required to be in the state
no matter how large
may be.
However, you might expect that states with
really big
would be excited somewhat less often than
states with small
because the extra energy has to come from
and every time we take energy out of
we decrease its entropy and make the resultant
configuration that much less probable.
You would be right. Can we be quantitative about this?
Well, the combined system
has a multiplicity function
which is the
product of the multiplicity function
[which equals 1 because we have already postulated that
is in a specific fully specified
and the multiplicity function
The energy of the reservoir
before we brought
into contact with it was U.
We don't need to know the value of U,
only that it was a fixed starting point.
The entropy of
was then
Once contact is made and an energy
has been ``drained off'' into
the energy of
and its entropy is
is so tiny
compared to U, we can treat it as a ``differential''
of U (like ``dU'') and estimate the resultant
change in
[relative to its old value
in terms of the derivative of
with respect to energy: