Next: Spin relaxation measurements [#!OseroffJAP94!#,#!BrillPRL94!#,#!ItohPRB95!#]
Up: 6.2 Spin-Peierls material CuGeO
Previous: Magnetic phase diagram [#!HasePRB93!#,#!PoirierPRB95a!#]
Nishi et al. observed the spin Peierls energy gap with inelastic
neutron scattering measurements [143]. From the
dispersion curve of the triplet excited state, the in-chain (
) and the inter-chain (
) magnetic
coupling parameters were also obtained (shown in
Fig.52). Fujita et al. performed neutron
scattering measurements in magnetic fields up to 6 T
[154]. They found the excited state split into three
branches, indicating its triplet nature.