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Up: 2.2 Experimental setup for
Previous: 2.2.2 SR spectrometer
The particle counters used in conventional
SR measurements are
usually plastic scintillator (dark gray in Fig.11)
attached to a photo-tube (black) through a light-guide; the photo-tube
gives an electrical pulse when a charged particle (
or e+)
passes through the scintillator. The muon counter, which is placed
between the beam window and the sample, provides the muon arrival
signal (t=0). The scintillator of the muon counter is thin
0.25 mm) so that it doesn't prevent muons from
reaching the sample. The positron counters (Backward, Forward, Left
and Right counters) are placed symmetrically with respect to the sample
position, so that the muon spin polarization can be reconstructed as
described in section 2.1. The scintillators for
the positron counters are relatively thick (
1 cm) to have a good
detection efficiency for the relativistic decay positrons (momentum
50 MeV/c).