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Interference Theory

A beam of light can be modeled as a wave of oscillating electric and magnetic fields. When two or more beams of light meet in space, these fields add according to the principle of superposition. That is, at each point in space, the electric and magnetic fields are determined as the vector sum of the fields of the separate beams.

If each beam of light originates from a separate source, there is generally no fixed relationship between the electromagnetic oscillations in the beams. At any instant in time there will be points in space where the fields add to produce a maximum field strength. However, the oscillations of visible light are far faster than the human eye can discern. Since there is no fixed relationship between the oscillations, a point at which there is a maximum at one instant may have a minimum at the next instant. Your eye averages these results and perceives a uniform intensity of light.

If the beams of light originate from the same source, there is generally some degree of correlation between the frequency and phase of the oscillations. At one point in space the light from the beams may be continually in phase. In this case, the combin?????????????????????? the light from the beams may be continually out of phase and a minima, or dark spot, will be seen.

Thomas Young was one of the first to design a method for producing such an interference pattern. He allowed a single, narrow beam of light to fall on two narrow, closely space slits. Opposite the slits he place a viewing screen. Where the light from the two slits struck the screen, a regular pattern of dark and bright bands appeared. When first performed, Young's experiment offered important evidence for the wave nature of light.

Young's slits can be used as a simple interferometer. If the spacing between the slits is known, the spacing of the maxima and minima can be used to determine the wavelength of the light. Conversely, if the wavelength of the light is known, the spacing of the slits could be determined from the interference patterns.