- . . . paradigm.13.1
- Many people
are so taken with this paradigm that they apply it
to all experience. The I Ching, for instance,
is said to be based on the ancient equivalent of
``tuning in'' to the ``vibrations'' of Life and the World
so that one's awareness resonates with the universe.
By New Age reckoning, cultivating such resonances
is supposed to be the fast track to enlightenment.
Actually, Physics relies very heavily on the same paradigm
and in fact supports the notion that many
apparently random phenomena are actually superpositions
of regular cycles; however, it offers little encouragement
for expecting ``answers'' to emerge effortlessly from
such a tuning of one's mind's resonances.
Too bad. But I'm getting ahead of myself here.
- . . . word.13.2
- Examples
of cyclic but not necessarily periodic
phenomena are the mass extinctions of species on Earth
that seem to have occurred roughly every 24 million years,
the ``seven-year cycle'' of sunspot activity,
the return of salmon to the river of their origin
and recurring droughts in Africa.
In some cases the basic reason for the cycle is understood
and it is obvious why it only repeats approximately;
in other cases we have no idea of the root cause;
and in still others there is not even a consensus
that the phenomenon is truly cyclic -
as opposed to just a random fluctuation that
just happens to mimic cyclic behaviour over a
short time. Obviously the resolution of these
uncertainties demands ``more data,'' i.e.
watching to see if the cycle continues;
with the mass extinction ``cycle,'' this
requires considerable patience.
When ``periodicity debates'' rage on in the absence
of additional data, it is usually a sign that the
combatants have some other axe to grind.
- . . . axle.13.3
- Note the frequency
with which we periodically recycle our paradigms!
- . . . motion.13.4
- Although
we have become conditioned to expect such mathematical
formulations of relationships to be more removed from our
intuitive understanding than easily visualized
concrete examples
like the projection of circular motion,
this is a case where the mathematics allows us to draw
a sweeping conclusion about the detailed behaviour of
any system that exhibits certain simple properties.
Furthermore, these conditions are actually satisfied
by an incredible variety of real systems, from the
atoms that make up any solid object to the interpersonal
``distance'' in an intimate relationship. Just wait!
- . . . holds:13.5
- You
may find this unremarkable, but I have never gotten over my
astonishment that functions so ostensibly unrelated as the
exponential and the sinusoidal functions
could be so intimately connected! And for once the
mathematical oddity has profound practical applications.
- . . . them.13.6
- I am reminded
of a passage in one of Kurt Vonnegut's books, perhaps
Sirens of Titan, in which the story of creation is
told something like this: God creates the world;
then he creates Man, who sits up, looks around and says,
``What's the meaning of all this?''
God answers, ``What, there has to be a meaning?''
Man: ``Of course.'' God: ``Well then, I leave it to you
to think of one.''
- . . .
- The ``
'' symbol
means `` . . . is much greater than . . . ''
- there is an analogous ``
'' symbol that means
`` . . . is much less than . . . . ''
- . . .
- There is a general rule about exponents
that says, ``A number raised to the sum of two powers
is equal to the product of the same number raised to
each power separately,'' or
- . . . frequency13.9
- The word ``complex''
has, like ``real'' and ``imaginary,'' been ripped off
by Mathematicians and given a very explicit meaning
that is not entirely compatible with its ordinary dictionary
definition. While a complex number in Mathematics
may indeed be complex - i.e. complicated
and difficult to understand - it is defined
only by virtue of its having both a real part
and an imaginary part, such as
where a and b are both real.
I hope that makes everything crystal clear . . . .
- . . . counterintuitive.13.10
- It is, after all,
one of the main purposes of this book to dismantle
your intuition and rebuild it with the faulty parts
left out and some shiny new paradigms added.
- . . . oscillation.13.11
- Of
course, this assumes
If damping occurs
at the same time, we must put at least as much energy in
with our driving force as friction takes out through
the damping in order to build up the amplitude. Almost
every system has some limiting amplitude beyond which the
restoring force is no longer linear
and/or some sort of losses set in.
- . . .
- (something like you get
from a blade of grass held between the thumbs
to create a loud noise when you blow past it)