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Up: Impulse and Momentum
Previous: Example: Volkwagen-Cadillac Scattering
If we calculate the total momentum of a composite system
and then divide by the total mass, we obtain the velocity
of the system-as-a-whole, which we call the
velocity of the centre of mass.
If we imagine ``running alongside'' the system
at this velocity we will be ``in a reference frame
moving with the centre of mass,'' where everything
moves together and bounces apart [or whatever]
with a very satisfying symmetry.
Regardless of the internal forces of collisions, etc.,
the centre of mass [CM] will be motionless in this reference frame.
This has many convenient features, especially for calculations,
and has the advantage that the inifinite number of other possible
reference frames can all agree upon a common description
in terms of the CM. Where exactly is
the CM of a system? Well, wait a bit until
we have defined torques and rigid bodies,
and then it will be easy to show how to find the CM.
Jess H. Brewer