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The Experimental Proposal

The proposal consists of a summary, beam requirements, TRIUMF support requirements, safety, and statement of research (science).


The summary is entered online and consists of two versions: a formatted short summary and an even shorter plain-text summary. It should briefly and clearly state the proposed experiment along with its scientific context and motivation.

Even at this early stage, it is particularly wise to clearly indicate how the proposed work fits into a broader program, and if it does not, why it can stand up as relatively isolated measurement.

Any unique aspect of the experiment should also be mentioned here.

Beam Requirements

Any particular requirements regarding beam properties are detailed here. The following is a list of properties that are commonly associated with various types of µSR experiments and on what secondary beamline they can be accommodated:

In general, the energy of the primary beam is 500 MeV. For all µSR experiments on M20, M15 and M13 the secondary beam line momentum will be 29 MeV/c for a surface beam. For high momentum muons that can be produced on M9B, muon momenta can range from 20 MeV/c to 100 MeV/c; please see the Description of Muon Beamlines, and select a beamline and minimum beam current for your experimental requirements according to this schedule:

Experiment Beam Current Suitable Beamlines, Targets
Time-Differential - HTF >40 M15 /w C T1 , M20 /w C T2
  >80 M20 /w Be T2
Time-Diff - LTF, LF >40 M15, M20, M13
Low Background >120 M15 /w C T1, M20 /w C T2
Time-Integral >120 M15 /w C T1, M20 /wC T2
High-p µ+/->80 M9B /w C or Be T2

In some circumstances (where small field changes can be critical) it is required that the crane not be moved at random during an experimental run. If that is the case please indicate.

TRIUMF Support Requirements

Facility staff are responsible for beam line preparation and the mounting (and nominal alignment) of spectrometers, positron detectors, cryostats, ovens, pressure cells and other standard inserts. The standard µSR data acquisition systems are also generally available. During the course of the experiment, and during nominal working hours, experimenters may request that facility personnel assist in the liquid He filling of the SC magnets.

Beyond this level of support, any further requirements should be indicated here. Some examples where special support might be needed are:

It should be mentioned that, in the above situations, the facility will generally not consider building or otherwise providing any specialized hardware that does not have a broad application. This type of hardware should be prepared by the individual experimental groups and its provision should be documented in the Experimental Equipment subsection of the Detailed Statement of Proposed Research.

Safety Issues

Rules regarding the safe operation of an experiment are in place to ensure that

An experiment that does not pass its safety review will not be considered for scheduling. The review is carried out by the Safety Review Committee, and if safety concerns are raised, the TRIUMF Safety Group (TSG) will become involved with the SPC to address the problem. This whole process will be carried out before the call for beam time for those experiments that obtain EEC approval.

To help with the planning for a safe experiment the call for proposals from the user group contains two documents dealing with safety. One is a general (experiment independent) guide that outlines how the safety section of the proposal should be structured, and the other is a µSR specific form that deals with µSR specific safety issues. Filing both of these is mandatory.

The first document, the guideline for preparing a safety report, requires that a proposal provide the following information and safety data:

The second, µSR-specific, form must also be completed. A blank form is available online here as a Postscript file or PDF file.

Detailed Statement of Proposed Research

This section tends to occupy the bulk of an EEC proposal and is to be uploaded as a pdf file, produced using one of the provided templates. It should contain:

  1. Scientific Justification
  2. Description of the Experiment
  3. Experimental Equipment
  4. Experimental Readiness
  5. Data Analysis
  6. Beam Time Required

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